The most comprehensive on-line resource for professional music recording.⬇️ Below you'll find all of the video lessons. You can watch them in order or browse as you please! 🚀Interacting with the moduleInteracting with the moduleSound & Hearing1. Deconstructing sound2. Frequency response3. Understanding loudness4. Demistifying dB5. Measuring loudness6. Mono vs. StereoMonitoring7. Choosing your speaker set8. Active vs. Passive9. Monitor setupGear Basics10. Choosing the right tools11. Knowing your way around gear.Microphones12. Intro to microphones13. Directional responses14. Hearing directional responses15. Bass proximity effect16. Basic microphone controls17. Mono microphone accessories18. Stereo microphone accessories & beyondDirect Injection & Re-amping19. DI boxes20. Re-ampingRecording basics21. Understanding pre-amps22. Gain staging & transients23. Understanding metering24. Distortion control25. Processing during recording26. LatencyMicrophone techniques